
B-Side Games

B-Side Games GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Black Hare Ventures GmbH, both operating out of Hamburg, Germany.

Black Hare Ventures

Black Hare Ventures is a new holding company by Co-Founders Lysander and Max which was established in January 2022 and provides long-term benefits, diversified risk as well as new opportunities to expand the Chainmonsters and B-Side Games brand into new markets.


We are independent (Indie) developers with the long term goal to become a game publisher focused on emerging new technologies, bringing unique experiences to life. Chainmonsters is our primary game, and the massive multiplayer experience enables us to build a continuous open world where we can invite other projects, artists and creators to join us on this journey. With the creation of Black Hare Ventures we are looking to provide ecosystem incentives, strategic funding and assistance to other developers from various walks of life in the future.


Strategic Partners